MEng Candidate
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Office: 32-332
I am a graduate student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with the Interactive Robotics Group (IRG). My interests lie in the societal and ethical implications of computing and AI, and its role in higher education.
I completed my undergraduate studies at MIT, where I studied Computer Science and Business Management with a passion for the intersection of AI, business and ethics. Throughout undergrad, I led and co-founded various campus wide initiatives and organizations, such as the OneWorld@MIT Initiative and the Minority Business Association (MBA). Furthermore, I have gained numerous international teaching and research experiences in countries including Ethiopia, France, Morocco and South Africa.
Following graduation, I will be joining Microsoft NERD full-time as a product manager in their AI Rotational Program. In my free time, I enjoy cooking, reading and playing basketball, and I am personally motivated by issues of global development, and diversity and inclusion.