Katya Arquilla

Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Office: 37-155
Email: arquilla@mit.edu

I am a Postdoctoral Associate in both the Human Systems Lab and Interactive Robotics Group, advised by Prof. Julie Shah and Prof. Dava Newman. The focus of my research is on quantifying human state to improve psychological health and task performance in challenging operational environments (e.g., long-duration crewed space exploration missions). With the IRG, I am working on integrating psychophysiological monitoring---connecting physiological signals to psychological state---into human-robot interactions as a measure of psychological safety and trust.

I completed my MS and PhD degrees in Aerospace Engineering Sciences with a focus in Bioastronautics at the University of Colorado Boulder, working with Prof. Allison Anderson. Before my graduate studies, I taught middle and high school math and physics at YES Prep Public Schools for two years after completing my BS in Astrophysics at Rice University.