
Fri, 06/07/2013

Matthew Gombolay (SM '13) - Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Ronald Wilcox (SM '13) - Department of Mechanical Engineering
Emily Frost (SM '13) - Operations Research

Matthew and Ronald are shown in the picture to the...

Sat, 03/30/2013

FACTORY robots are usually caged off from humans on the assembly line lest the machines’ powerful steel arms deliver an accidental, bone-crunching right hook. But now, gentler industrial robots, designed to work and play well with others, are coming out from behind their protective fences to...

Mon, 03/25/2013

The CEO of ABB Group came to visit IRG!

Thu, 03/21/2013

"Roboter sollen menschliche Handlungen verstehen" Die Robotik-Expertin Julie Shah vom MIT in Boston erforscht, wie Roboter und Menschen gute Teams bilden können..

Mon, 02/18/2013

Humans and robots work better together if they can swap roles and learn from each other, a finding that may pave the way for the use of more robots on assembly lines, in space, on farms or in any kind of dangerous, dirty or boring operation. “Cross-training,” or switching jobs, improves...

Fri, 02/15/2013

It's good when co-workers understand each other – especially if one of them is a robot. Read how a mechanical arm learned our reporter's mind..

Mon, 02/11/2013

A team of roboticists has shown that by getting robots and humans to carry out simple tasks together, then swap roles, synchronicity increases significantly because the machines gain a better understanding of what's required of them. Julie Shah and Stefanos Nikolaidis of MIT's Interactive...

Mon, 02/11/2013

Spending a day in someone else’s shoes can help us to learn what makes them tick. Now the same approach is being used to develop a better understanding between humans and robots, to enable them to work together as a team. Robots are increasingly being used in the manufacturing industry to...

Wed, 10/24/2012

After a decade as an MIT student, Julie Shah ’04, SM ’06, PhD ’11, was invited to join the faculty. Her first year as a professor meant not only teaching but also setting up a new lab, wooing brilliant students, and overseeing research advances she never could have predicted.. (MIT Technology...