Ankit Shah

PhD Candidate
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Office: 31-219M

Hi, My name is Ankit and I am enrolled in the PhD program at Aero-Astro. My research interests focus on learning from demonstration for complex, multi-step tasks. In particular, I am interested in learning the specifications of the demonstrated task as a temporal logic formula, and close the loop on the planning side with synthesis algorithms, thus ensuring a transparent and verifiably correct controller for the task. In general I am very much interested in problems concerning planning and learning in domains with hierarchical state descriptions. And I would like to use algorithms I develop to enhance the effectiveness of human-robot teams. In the past I have also worked on manipulation planning for deformable objects for my SM thesis completed in 2016 here at MIT.

Prior to joining MIT, I completed my B.Tech. in Aerospace Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IIT-B) in 2013. During my time there, I was also involved in development of the Attitude Determination and Control architecture of Pratham, the student satellite project at IIT-B. Apart from the grad life, I love sailing, photography, travelling and having endless discussions on random topics with friends.