Lindsay Sanneman

Postdoctoral Associates
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Office: 31-219M

Lindsay Sanneman is a PhD candidate in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT and a member of the Interactive Robotics Group in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL). Her interests primarily lie in AI value alignment, explainability and transparency for robotics and AI, and the impact of new robotics technologies on the nature and quality of work, particularly in the manufacturing domain. Since 2018, she has been a member of MIT’s Work of the Future task force and has visited over 50 factories worldwide alongside a highly-interdisciplinary team in order to explore which technologies have been adopted and their impacts, how new technologies might improve the nature of work, what barriers exist to implementing these technologies on factory floors, and how we might implement technological solutions in a human-centered way. She received her bachelor’s degree from MIT in June of 2014 and completed her master’s degree on multi-level optimization techniques for the supply chain in June of 2018. Her current research aims to enhance human understanding of robot objectives through explainable AI techniques in order to improve the effectiveness of human-robot collaboration.