
Found 136 results
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Iqbal, T., S. Li, C. Fourie, B. Hayes, and J. A. Shah, "Fast Online Segmentation of Activities from Partial Trajectories", International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 05/2019.
Gombolay, M. C., R. J. Wilcox, and J. A. Shah, "Fast Scheduling of Multi-Robot Teams with Temporospatial Constraints", Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) [30% Acceptance Rate], 06/2013.
Gombolay, M., R. Wilcox, and J. Shah, "Fast Scheduling of Robot Teams Performing Tasks with Temporospatial Constraints", IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), vol. 34, issue 1, pp. 220-239, 02/2018.
Pérez-D'Arpino, C., and J. Shah, "Fast Target Prediction of Human Reaching Motion for Cooperative Human-Robot Manipulation Tasks Using Time Series Classification", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 05/2015.
Shah, J. A., P. Conrad, and B. Williams, "Flexible Execution of Plans with Choice", International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), 09/2009.
Wilcox, R. James, "Flexible Schedule Optimization for Human-Robot Collaboration", Mechanical Engineering, vol. S.M., Cambridge, MA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pp. 101, 2013.
Booth, S., S. Sharma, S. Chung, J. Shah, and E. L. Glassman, "How to Understand Your Robot: A Design Space Informed by Human Concept Learning", International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Workshop on Social Intelligence in Humans and Robots (SIHR), 05/2021.
Unhelkar*, V. V., P. A. Lasota*, Q. Tyroller, R-D. Buhai, L. Marceau, B. Deml, and J. A. Shah, "Human-Aware Robotic Assistant for Collaborative Assembly: Integrating Human Motion Prediction With Planning in Time", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 3, issue 3, pp. 8, 07/2018.
Gombolay, M., R. Jensen, J. Stigile, T. Golen, N. Shah, S-H. Son, and J. Shah, "Human-Machine Collaborative Optimization via Apprenticeship Scheduling", Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) (Accepted 02/2018—To Appear), 2018.
Gombolay, M. C., "Human-Machine Collaborative Optimization via Apprenticeship Scheduling", Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, vol. Ph. D., 2017.
Nikolaidis, S., P. A. Lasota, Gregory Rossano, Carlos Martinez, Thomas Fuhlbrigge, and J. Shah, "Human-Robot Collaboration in Manufacturing: Quantitative Evaluation of Predictable, Convergent Joint Action", International Symposium on Robotics (ISR) [Best Paper Nomination], 10/2013.
Unhelkar, V. V., C. Pérez-D'Arpino, L. Stirling, and J. A. Shah, "Human-Robot Co-Navigation using Anticipatory Indicators of Human Walking Motion", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 05/2015.
Nikolaidis, S., and J. A. Shah, "Human-Robot Cross-Training: Computational Formulation, Modeling and Evaluation of a Human Team Training Strategy", ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI) [25% Acceptance Rate], 03/2013.
Nikolaidis, S., and J. A. Shah, "Human-Robot Interactive Planning using Cross-Training: A Human Team Training Approach", AIAA Infotech@Aerospace (I@A), 06/2012.
Nikolaidis, S., and J. A. Shah, "Human-Robot Teaming using Shared Mental Models", ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), Workshop on Human-Agent-Robot Teamwork, 03/2012.
Winfield, A. F. T., S. Booth, L. A. Dennis, T. Egawa, H. Hastie, N. Jacobs, R. I. Muttram, J. I. Olszewska, F. Rajabiyazdi, A. Theodorou, et al., "IEEE P7001: a proposed standard on transparency", Frontiers in Robotics and AI, pp. 225, 2021.
Kim, D., "Imitation Learning for Sequential Manipulation Tasks: Leveraging Language and Perception", Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. M. Eng: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2021.
Butchibabu, A., C. Sparano-Huiban, L. Sonenberg, and J. Shah, "Implicit Coordination Strategies for Effective Team Communication", Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), vol. 58, issue 4, 06/2016.
Shah, J. A., J. Wiken, B. Williams, and C. Breazeal, "Improved Human-Robot Team Performance Using Chaski, a Human-Inspired Plan Execution System", ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI) [Best Paper Nomination], 03/2011.
Nikolaidis, S., P. Lasota, R. Ramakrishnan, and J. Shah, "Improved human–robot team performance through cross-training, an approach inspired by human team training practices", International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), vol. 34, issue 14, pp. 1711-1730, 12/2015.
Hayes, B., and J. A. Shah, "Improving Robot Controller Transparency Through Autonomous Policy Explanation", ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), 03/2017.
Kim, J., and J. A. Shah, "Improving Team's Consistency of Understanding in Meetings", IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (THMS), vol. 46, issue 5, pp. 625-637, 04/2016.
Kim, J., "Improving Team's Consistency of Understanding in Meetings: Intelligent Agent Participation and Human Subject Studies", Aeronautics and Astronautics, vol. S.M., Cambridge, MA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pp. 66, 2015.
Unhelkar, V. V., R-D. Buhai, and J. A. Shah, "Incremental Path Planning in Time to Leverage Evolving Predictions", International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Workshop on Autonomous Mobile Service Robots, New York, NY, 07/2016.
Sturla, G. F., and J. A. Shah, "Incremental Scheduling with Upper and Lowerbound Temporospatial Constraints", AIAA Infotech@Aerospace (I@A), 01/2016.
