Challenges in Developing a Collaborative Robotic Assistant for Automotive Assembly Lines

TitleChallenges in Developing a Collaborative Robotic Assistant for Automotive Assembly Lines
Publication TypeWorkshop Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsUnhelkar, V. V., and J. A. Shah
Conference NameACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI)
Workshop NameWorkshop on HRI Pioneers
Date Published03/2015

Industrial robots are on the verge of emerging from their cages, and entering the final assembly to work along side humans. Towards this we are developing a collaborative robot capable of assisting humans in the final automotive assembly. Several algorithmic as well as design challenges exist when the robots enter the unpredictable, human-centric and time-critical environment of final assembly. In this work, we briefly discuss a few of these challenges along with developed solutions and proposed methodologies, and their implications for improving human-robot collaboration.

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